Tina Alberni


Artist: Tina Alberni
Email: colorbydesignstudio@gmail.com

ABOUT: Tina Alberni is a semi-abstract artist. Her bicultural heritage and upbringing weave throughout the fabric of her art. Her current works are driven by the plights of endangered animals and all other living beings whose current predicaments underscore how urbanism, infoglut, and virtual reality alter existence and how it is experienced. Bringing awareness and igniting conversation and new behaviors about the systemic impact of climate change, technology, and caustic human behavior on all life on the planet is a responsibility she feels deeply. Alberni has been a practicing artist, arts educator, and arts administrator for more than 20 years and has received multiple grants and awards, most recently an ArtPop Charlotte award, which placed her work on billboards and digital media throughout the region.


Stacey Rose


Urban Ministry Center ArtWork 945