

Founder: Jessica Moss

ABOUT: The Roll Up CLT explores economic improvement through people, community arts and creative strategies in the Camp Greene community of Charlotte. The goal is to establish a residency program that connects national artists, local talent, and community residents as neighbors through innovative pedagogical collaborations, participatory interventions and art creation/dissemination over the residency period and beyond. By connecting communities and artists, we transform people and neighborhoods ultimately creating a space that contributes to social change.

The Roll Up CLT utilizes a residential home and repurposes the garage into a gallery/work space where artists are invited to stay for three month to one year terms. Moss acts as a liaison between the artist and the community, helping them navigate through Charlotte. Moss speaks on the program during an interview: “I founded The Roll Up CLT in 2016, with the goal of activating a national network of artist residencies in vulnerable neighborhoods with a concentrated population of the economically disadvantaged… Investing in my own community, watering my seeds in the places they were planted and vesting my interests in the neighborhoods that I came from, and that I call home.”


Purple Charlotte Steppers Club


Stacey Rose