A Sign of the Times of the Carolinas



Executive Director: Tyrone Jefferson
Email: Tyrone@ASignOfTheTimes.org

Program Director: Toni Tupponce
Email: Toni@ASignoftheTimes.org

ABOUT: Founded in 2006, A Sign of the Times of the Carolinas is a small non-profit dedicated to preserving and teaching the legacy of the African Diaspora through music, dance and the spoken word. ASOTT teaches the core values and rich history of the African Diaspora through a number of programs, including concerts, monthly jazz workshops, and an annual seven-week adult education series called Diggin’ History Through Music and Dance, an “historical exploration into the contributions and struggles of Africans and African Americans.” The annual “Bridging Musical Worlds” program honors the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in collaboration with the Charlotte Folk Society, the Charlotte Symphony, and UNC Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture. The interactive program “Listen!” facilitates conversations about race and equity within a musical setting.

ASOTT has initiated a goal to build/repurpose an existing structure in West Charlotte to establish the Black Research and Performing Arts Center (BRePAC), which will provide a space for archives and research, rehearsal, performance, and educational programs that explore African American history prior to 1619 and celebrate Black history and culture from Ancient Africa to the present.



Dawn Anthony


Airing Out the “Dirty” Laundry