

Mixed Metaphors Productions (MMPCLT) creates Charlotte-based immersive theatrical experience. “Mixed Metaphors Productions is a community sandbox where we play, dream, and make together. We produce art installations, new oral histories, immersive theatre, and rad parties. Charlotte is their home and subject.”

The Art
Theatre that you can be part of; installations that transport you through time. Exploring Charlotte through bold experimentation; activating your senses and memories. This comes in the form of theatre, art installations, immersive experiences, and Celebration. 

The Community 
Work produced by Charlotte, about Charlotte and for the betterment of Charlotte. They Partner with locally-based organizations because the goal of their art is to create measurable change. Keeping their  ear to the ground for whispered stories, and help transform them into shouts.

The Purpose
Activating change. MMPCLT makes space for artists to create, and cultivate the artist in everyone. Offering fresh answers to the question “What is Charlotte?” They disrupt the too-tidy narrative. Giving you a fun night out rooted in joy.

Community Projects

An immersive theatrical experience tracing the history of Charlotte, NC, a gentrifying southern city, through the lens of a family kitchen. Created to showcase the excellence of Charlotte artists, it will offer local residents the chance to participate in pressing conversations over a shared meal while engaging with interactive art. 

In Charlotte, NC, a family is packing up their grandmother's home. After the neighborhood was renamed, Grandma can no longer afford to live there. When she is lucid, Grandma is often going on about losing the old home. What happens to all those memories in my house? Where do they As they pack up, Grandma's old recipe box is found. The family pull out handwritten cards and passed down recipes revealing the history of their home and family, illuminating, challenging, and correcting the public narrative of Charlotte Using theatre and installation art, FixaPlate participants will move through the memories of the home and the history of Charlotte, culminating with a shared meal and community party.


Grooming Greatness Foundation


Diversity On And Off Stage